
Sunday, August 11, 2013

KONOS Honor: Tabernacle Week 2

Our 2nd Week learning about honoring God through studying the tabernacle put discovery learning into action.  The kids put together their very own "tabernacle" using whatever household items they could think of and find and putting their knowledge of the tabernacle to use.  I think they did an awesome job!  They got a general layout figured out first and then started with the courtyard.  Here is the bronze altar complete with offerings


The bronze laver or water basin for the priests to purify themselves before entering the tabernacle.

 The courtyard as a whole.

Now we have entered the tabernacle.  Here is the altar of incense.

The Golden Lampstand "burning" brightly just as Christ lights our way in this dark world to everlasting life with Him!

The kids' favorite (involving water & "showbread" aka tortillas): The Showbread Table.

The Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies where God's presence dwelt.  Here is the veil separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.

The Ark of the Covenant.  the coloring on the box has nothing to do with the Holy of Holies but is actually the control panel for our "spaceship" on our big cardboard box that we used for our Orderliness unit on the Solar System.  The stuffed animals are the golden "cherubim".

The veil separating the Courtyard from the Holy Place.

The Most Holy Place as a whole.

 We also made High Priest Miters or Turbans and Breastplates.  Here our 2 priests ready to serve their Lord.  They along with the others reenacted receiving offerings from the "Israelites" and sacrificing them on the altar as well as the other duties of the priests.

We also (each family separately) built edible tabernacles which of course the kids loved - it involved candy!

Who knew learning could be so fun and character enriching and draw you closer to your Lord and Savior by seeing His purpose for the tabernacle and His great love for His people!!
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  1. We will try this with our 3rd grade class on Monday! I'll send pics! Thanks for the idea!



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