
Friday, April 18, 2014

KONOS: Determination - Ocean Exploration Week 1

I am continuing my posts on our KONOS units.  This one was part of our study on Determination and we completed it after our Arctic Exploration.  So, it actually happened way back in April of 2013.  The kids loved it just as much as the Arctic!  We never stop being amazed at the determination of people to make new discoveries!  Determination is definitely a character quality we want to instill in our children and learning about these explorers makes for good opportunities to share with them the true nature of determination that we want them to emulate.  Giving God the glory for any victories He gives us is first and foremost because without Him none of it would be possible.  And always looking at what we are being determined about and if it is a God honoring pursuit and worth our time and effort.  A lot of explorers longed for glory for themselves and riches.  That is not something to be determined about!  But we can certainly learn from them and their mistakes, and they have discovered some pretty cool things as well!  Here is our first week learning about oceans and exploration. 

Learning how much of the earth is covered
 in water and how much is land.

Under The Sea Jello Snack

Some fun decorations down
the steps of my friend's home.

Ocean Water Density Egg Floating Experiment

Octopus Craft

Black Smoker Demonstration

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